You’re Not !!!

You're not serious !!!

You have to break eggs to make omelets ???

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About LBeeeze

Laughing makes life sweeter....especially the stinky hard parts.
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28 Responses to You’re Not !!!

  1. pyrl says:

    Oh noes! (covers little chick's ears) Shhhh!

  2. LOL…at least his egg was not cracked. he is soooo cute!!

  3. Lurkertype says:

    It's okay, little guy, not eggs with chicks in 'em!

  4. So cute expression on it's face ^q^ And *Lurkertype* is right , eggs w/out chicks hehehe ~ though some really eat eggs w/ chicks in it >.<

  5. lol … just wait until he finds out where hot wings come from …

  6. LBeeeze says:

    Awwwwwwww….thanks so much for stopping by!!!

  7. LBeeeze says:

    OMGosh yeeeeees, must cover little chick's ears!!!

  8. LBeeeze says:

    Yessireee….he got here all perfectly whole!!

  9. LBeeeze says:

    Yes, for sure….only the duds. Hahahahaha!!

  10. LBeeeze says:

    Shhhhhhhh…..we can't talk about those ones.

  11. LBeeeze says:

    Ohes noes….we can't say that!!!

  12. Am zipped >_< i better be quiet… Hehe, Welcome~!

  13. When I was young, my mom let me get an incubator at Sears Roebuck and there was a hatchery nearby where we got warm chick eggs. We turned them and my mother turned the egss while I was at school. When the time came for them to hatch, one of the two actually did. She was so cute. I named her Peep. I had a pet chick. But she grew up to be a chicken and my mom did not like her flying around the kitchen. We were city dwellers. One day, I came home from school and Peep was gone. Mom had given the chicken to someone that had a farm. She promised they were not going to eat the Peep but I never really knew. Probably better that way 🙂

  14. LBeeeze says:

    Hahahahahaha….thanks lots and lots!!!

  15. LBeeeze says:

    Oh, no….that's so sad. I can totally understand your mom not wanting a chicken flying around the kitchen, but that was so sad when she was gone. I really hope she got to live a happy life.

  16. Yes, I wish my mother had let me say goodbye but looking back, I have to ask myself how many mothers would have let their daughters hatch the chick in the kitchen in the first place. That was a very nice thing for her to let me do. Maybe she had planned a different departure and just could not find Peep a home. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt because for that day and age, and for her personality, letting me hatch a chick was a big deal. The reason she had to find it a home is because bridge club was coming to our house. So, you see, a chicken in the kitchen would never do!!

  17. LBeeeze says:

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL….I can just imagine what the bridge ladies would say about a chicken flapping around the kitchen.

  18. Yes, the bridge ladies would have been askance!!! 🙂

  19. Nope, you didn’t see anything!

  20. LBeeeze says:

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL….I love that word "askance!!!"

  21. LBeeeze says:

    No eggs, no omelets, no nothing at all???

  22. Emjay says:

    Ha LOL. that's a cute little thing

  23. LBeeeze says:

    Isn't he now??!! So earnest too.

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