So the Story Goes….

And so the story goes…

That out of the great soup pot popped two beans…

A mamma bean and a baby bean…

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About LBeeeze

Laughing makes life sweeter....especially the stinky hard parts.
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28 Responses to So the Story Goes….

  1. a says:

    [isto é bom]

  2. Waterbaby says:

    dang they do look beany!

  3. jaypo says:

    :-DI had a childhood friend named Becky Beane. Maybe MamaBean's name is Becky.

  4. Patti says:

    That's one big pot of soup!

  5. pyrl says:

    This is too cute/funny/adorable!

  6. DKN says:

    Mmmmm….blorpy beans! My fave!!

  7. little miao says:

    *faints from teh cute*

  8. Emmi says:

    So cute! Mama and mini mama!

  9. LBeeeze says:

    Yeah!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

  10. LBeeeze says:

    They do look like egg plants!! Thanks so much!!!

  11. LBeeeze says:

    Hahahahahahaha!!! Dang beany!!!

  12. LBeeeze says:

    Thanks lots and thanks so much for stopping by!!!

  13. LBeeeze says:

    Hahahahaha…..perfect!! Becky Bean it is!!!

  14. LBeeeze says:

    Hahahahahaha….it would have to be a really big pot, wouldn't it??!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

  15. LBeeeze says:

    Hehehehehehe….I love that word "blorpy." That's one of my fave words!!!

  16. LBeeeze says:

    Awwwwwww thanks so very much!!!

  17. LBeeeze says:

    And together they are the magic beans!!!

  18. jaypo says:

    Heee! I had to come back and look at Becky Bean and Baby Bean again!

  19. LBeeeze says:

    Why thank you very much. They are quite worth the second look.

  20. LBeeeze says:

    I lubs the hippo beans too!! They're just so round and cute!!

  21. LBeeeze says:

    That would be so special….they're definitely way huggable.

  22. Not quite snuggly, but definitely huggable

  23. LBeeeze says:

    Most definitely!!! Thanks lots!!!

  24. LBeeeze says:


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