They Said….

You know, they said….

I gave them sticker shock..I donts know why…You tells me ??

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About LBeeeze

Laughing makes life sweeter....especially the stinky hard parts.
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20 Responses to They Said….

  1. Hee — It's holding a flower for us!!

  2. SweetMisery says:

    ong too funny. I had to help a friend once pull them out of his dogs face. They are barbed on the end. yuck. He looks pretty punk though.

  3. Red Pen says:

    Maybe not huggable, but so cute.

  4. Waterbaby says:

    I don't know why but certainly they had a point.

  5. LBeeeze says:

    You bet !! I even have my own band…we should jam sometime !!

  6. LBeeeze says:

    Thanks !! Isn't he incredibly precious !! That paw up in the air is just too much.

  7. LBeeeze says:

    Thanks….awwwwwwwe…..poor puppers….not good. Yeah….this one is totally punked out. : )

  8. LBeeeze says:

    Awwwwwwwe……thanks !!!

  9. LBeeeze says:

    Oh, that's good !!!

  10. Waterbaby says:

    I'm pretty sharp.

  11. LBeeeze says:

    And once more…you always get right to the point.

  12. Hahahaha! So why don't people use the phrase "sharp as a porcupine"? I think I'd use that over "sharp as a tack"

  13. LBeeeze says:

    Absolutely….so much more descriptive ! Tacks are so boring…and let's face it…they're just plain tacky !!!

  14. *snerk* You're on a roll tonight. Want some butter?

  15. LBeeeze says:

    Yup….and LOTS of it !!!

  16. CUTEEEEE!! I saw one of these at the zoo on Saturday! SO Adorable!

  17. Emmi says:

    Aww, pretty boy!

  18. LBeeeze says:

    Thanks. I remember seeing porcupines when I was a little girl living in Maine……I don't remember them being so cute. I was mostly really scared of them. This one is a doll !!
    Thanks !!

  19. LBeeeze says:

    Hahahaha…he is a cutie petutti !!
    Thanks very much !!

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